Session chairperson(s): Andrea Alu
Organizer(s): Romain Fleury; Miguel Navarro-Cia; Christos Argyropoulos
Session chairperson(s): Romain Fleury
Session chairperson(s): Martin van Hecke
Session chairperson(s): Richard Craster
Session chairperson(s): Mikhail Lapine
Organizer(s): Ariel Epstein; Ekaterina Shamonina; Francisco Medina
Session chairperson(s): Ariel Epstein
Session chairperson(s): Igor Nefedov
Session chairperson(s): Boris Lukiyanchuk
Session chairperson(s): Silvio Hrabar
Organizer(s): Julie Kim-Zajonz; Manolis Antonoyiannakis; Ling Miao
Session chairperson(s): Ling Miao; Manolis Antonoyiannakis; Julie Kim-Zajonz
Session chairperson(s): GIUSEPPE STRANGI
Session chairperson(s): Vincent Pagneux
Session chairperson(s): Pavel Ginzburg
Session chairperson(s): Filiberto Bilotti
Session chairperson(s): Mathias Fink
See arxiv preprint
See arXiv:1610.03639v1
Session chairperson(s): Martin Wegener
Session chairperson(s): Prof Allan Boardman
Session chairperson(s): Vincenzo Galdi; Mirko Barbuto
Organizer(s): Guillaume Dupont; Olivier KIMMOUN
Session chairperson(s): Guillaume Dupont; Olivier KIMMOUN
Session chairperson(s): Andrei Faraon
Optical excitations sustained by atomic-scale materials provide fantastic opportunities to explore novel ultrafast and quantum-optical phenomena, as recently argued in great detail for polaritons in van der Waals materials [1]. Graphene plasmons play a special role among these excitations due to their extraordinay electrical, magnetic, and optical tunability. In this talk, I will review recent advances obatined by my group on the design and realistic description of a new class of random metamaterials incorporating optical gain and displaying a varied photonic behavior ranging from stable lasing to chaotic regimes [2]; a new strategy for molecular sensing that relies on the strong plasmon-driven nonlinearity of nanographenes [3]; a unique scenario in which radiative heat transfer is the fastest cooling mechanism, even beating relaxation to phonons [4]; the generation of intense high harmonics from graphene, assisted by its plasmons [5]; and the possibility of realizing order-one fast light modulation in ultrathin metal-graphene films. I will make emphasis on the potential of these phenomena for the implementation of quantum-optics devices in a robust solid-state environment under ambient conditions.
Session chairperson(s): Graeme Milton
Session chairperson(s): Alexander Yakovlev
Session chairperson(s): Nikolay ZHELUDEV
We measure the linear and the second harmonic generation (SHG) spectra of individual Barium Titanate (BaTiO3) nanostructures. We demonstrate 3 orders of magnitude enhancement of the SHG signal from individual chemically synthesized nanoparticles at the linear Mie resonance compared to an unpatterned layer of BaTiO3. We propose to improve the control of the size and shape of the nanoparticles by using BaTiO3 nanocylinders fabricated by by focused ion beam (FIB) milling.
Session chairperson(s): Geoffroy Lerosey
Session chairperson(s): Jonathan Gratus
Session chairperson(s): Sergei Tretyakov
Organizer(s): Muamer kadic
Session chairperson(s): Muamer kadic
A video preview can be watched through this link, see also recently published article in Nature.
Session chairperson(s): Stefan Rotter
Session chairperson(s): Christophe Caloz; Filippo Capolino
See arxiv preprint
Session chairperson(s): Pavel Belov
Fig. 1. Experimental results of extinction measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and THG imaging, and the THG intensity for four different modes.
Session chairperson(s): Alessio Monti
Session chairperson(s): Richard Ziolkowski
Session chairperson(s): Ross McPhedran
Session chairperson(s): Constantin Simovski
Session chairperson(s): Mirko Barbuto
Session chairperson(s): Stefano Maci
Session chairperson(s): Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
Session chairperson(s): Tiago Morgado
Session chairperson(s): Maxim Gorkunov
Session chairperson(s): Mario Silveirinha
Organizer(s): Sebastien Guenneau; Boris Gralak; Jean-Philippe Groby; Vicente Romero Garcia
Session chairperson(s): Sebastien Guenneau; Boris Gralak
Organizer(s): Stephane Brule
Session chairperson(s): Alexander Movchan; Stephane Brule
Organizer(s): Vicente Romero Garcia; Jean-Philippe Groby
Session chairperson(s): Vicente Romero Garcia; Jean-Philippe Groby
Session chairperson(s): Barnett Stephen
Session chairperson(s): Xiangdong Zhang
Session chairperson(s): Evgeniy Narimanov
Session chairperson(s): Alejandro Rodriguez
Session chairperson(s): Nader Engheta
Session chairperson(s): Davide Ramaccia
Session chairperson(s): Miguel Beruete
Session chairperson(s): Brian STOUT
Session chairperson(s): Natalia Litchinitser
See arXiv link
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